Friday, January 25, 2013

New Sim, New Opportunities

There is a point in SL where staying on your sim, working, building and otherwise not looking up, provides you with a dull environment. I took a chance and some time tonight to wander and do some sim hopping. Looking for a few new hangouts and even some photo ops should they provide themselves to me.  And I found a wonderful one... one that just had to be shared.

I hit the "Domaine Imperium" sim. A new Adult based sim that caters to the lifestyle of BDSM and D/s. Some may not find this their cup of tea, and others, may want to explore, but if there is one thing that impressed me was the fact that I landed right smack dab in the middle of a photography contest on the run. A sincere voting option at the base of each black and white photo that ultimately carries a prize and the honor of being hung in the manor.

Lady Laurie has assured me there is to be 2 more additional contests that will ultimately fill their walls of positive photography elements in SL as well a rotating gallery as time progresses.

I wanted to share this chance, and we have agreed that offering you all the chance to show your talent at this venue was needed. So... until the new contest comes, I encourage you to visit and vote to support the photographers who are currently on display and start thinking of your ideas for what you might wish to display as the new contests come available.
