A wise old man said once that a photo is worth more then 1000 words, now it is your opportunity to show how you see the wonderful world we live in.
Now it is your chance of showing the inner artist that live inside your belly and heart.
Wonderful prices for the winners .
There will be two categories:
1. The best picture in D/s.
2. The most amusing picture.
The rules are simple and easy for all :
- The picture must be taken on sim . ( LM attached bellow ). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Caerwyn%20Phyrrus/20/82/24
- You can use Photoshop or any other graphic program you wish , but the background must be of the sim . (we have beautiful sim , lets show it ) .
- Rename the picture with name of the author and get permission from other people who are included in the picture to display it and send it to klaudia langer with full rights (copy, modify, transfer).
- One can send pictures to both categories but only one picture per category.
- Pictures can be send to klaudia langer until the 25th of March 2012 .
- Be creative and show the beauty of yourself and the sim around.
Contest lasts from 25th of February till 25th of March, then there will be voting process which will last one week.
PRIZES - you can win both money (so far we have 1200ls to split and we are getting more and more) and many valuable items.
" Lets show the world how we see life " !!!