* R U L E S *
(For questions about the contest not covered here - , please contact Suite Sella of reBourne prefabs!)
NOTE - Please follow these instructions carefully to avoid disqualification. If you have any queries, please IM Suite Sella.
+ Model(s) must be wearing Alphamale and/or Blacklace outfits.
+ Model(s) must be photographed in a reBourne build. ( This can be your own reBourne home or at the reBourne store )
+ Post-processing is encouraged, but the contest is your photography skills, not your editing, don't over-do it.
+ Your picture must be about the Alphamale/Blacklace/reBourne product, so please make that your focal and flattering point.
+ No nudity or explicit images.
+ One entry per person. More than one = all images disqualified.
+ Maximum 2 people in the image.
+ A picture cannot be submitted on behalf of more than one person.
+ An image can only be entered once. Not by another person, or the same person multiple times.
+ Entries for this competition may not be submitted to other competitions, even future reBourne/Alphamale/Blacklace ones. It may not have been used for previous competitions anywhere.
+ By submitting your photo, you agree to allow reBourne/Alphamale/Blacklace full permission to use the image in promotions and can be altered respectably for use.
* H O W T O S U B M I T *
NOTE - Please follow these instructions carefully to avoid disqualification. If you have any queries, please IM Suite Sella.
+ Create your image focusing on the Alphamale/Blacklace & reBourne product.
+ The image must be 1:1, 6:4 or 4:6 ratio.
+ The image must be 1024x1024, 1024x682 or 682x1034
+ The image must be full permissions. Please double check this.
+ rename the image ' YOUR NAME - rB/AM/BL photo contest - MODEL1, MODEL2 ' example: ' John Smith - rB/AM/BL photo contest ' In the description, please include model names.
+ Send your image to > Blacklace Faith < Do not sent to anyone else or your entry will be ignored.
+ Submit only 1 picture, and submit it only once.
+ Deadline Feb 16th 1:00pm SLT. Entries after will be ignored.
If you are unsure, please IM Suite Sella.
* P R I Z E S *
The contest entry will close Feb 16th 1pm SLT.. Winners will be revealed at an exclusive party ( information will be given to finalists ) . Top 10 entries will be invited + 1 guest. Party will be held February 19th. Attendance is recommended, however unattendance will not affect results.
+ reBourne prefab of your choice ( including furniture if you wish )
+ 10,000L$ gift card for reBourne prefabs.
+ 10,000L$ gift card for Alphamale
+ 10,000L$ gift card for Blacklace
+ 5,000L$ gift card for reBourne prefabs
+ 5,000L$ gift card for Alphamale
+ 5,000L$ gift card for Blacklace
+ 1,000L$ gift card for reBourne prefabs
+ 1,000L$ gift card for Alphamale
+ 1,000L$ gift card for Blacklace
Prizes are non-transferable, this includes alts.
We can't wait to see what you come up with. If you have any further questions, please IM Suite Sella. The best of luck, and look forward to seeing what you've got!
Danny Bourne, Suite Sella
Yelmer Pfeffer
Mariska Dufour