A monthly event starting on first day of month and ending last day of month.
Rules are as follows:
- Create a unique photograph of you and a friend, posing on one of my FULL PRICED Bratty poses. (Sorry folks, no more freebie poses or discounts because I'm putting my past hunt items in the discount section and I can't prove if you bought it or got it as a freebie). Photoshop it, bedazzle it, paint it on an oil canvas, or just turn it in the way you shot it, I don't care... I'm looking for something that speaks to me and it doesn't matter if you're a professional wizard at photo editing or not. Simply said...inspire me!
- Use only 1 pose in the shot... as a winner, I'm going to use your photo for my vendor ad, I need it to depict a single pose, not multiples. If you'd like to use the same pose, but a different angle Photoshopped into another part of your creation...that's fine, just please make it the same pose as the one in the foreground.
- Photo must be your own creation...please don't steal.
- Photo size is not important, but I must be able to see the details that make your entry completely yours.
- Open to anyone, you don't have to be a member of my group (I hate places that do that). I know your group slots are precious, so I won't "make" you be part of mine. However if you wish to join, I'd love to have you. Although winners will be announced via my Group notices...so if you enter and you leave the group, you may not see who the winners are.
- Contest runs from the 1st to the end of the month. No entries will be accepted after 12am the 1st of the next month SLT.
- My IM's and everything else cap daily... so I'm accepting entries via Notecard placed in my mailbox at either the Mainstore or Carrie's Lingerie Mall. DO NOT... I repeat... DO NOT send them directly to me. I will not be accepting them personally, yes that means you have to put it in the mailbox. Slide your entry into the Mailbox prim, it will be safe there and SL can't eat it as it's so fond of doing to things sent directly to me. If it's not in the mailbox, you're not entered...sorry folks, just the way it's got to be.
- Include your Full Second Life name, NOT your display name, so that I can find you (entries without a name will be ignored, I'm sorry, I don't have time to chase you)
- List the name of the pose used in the shot
- ((TO FIND MY MAILBOX: Mainstore: as soon as you land, face the couch at the front of the store, look to your right at the doorway, next to the contest board. There are four little prims that say: Mailbox, Flickr, Marketplace, and Blog. Carrie's Mall Location: Mailbox Prim is just inside the door to the right))
- You can enter as many photos as you like, but you must use a different pose in each.
- Nudity is allowed, hell, I do it, but make it tasteful please, pfft...whom I kidding...go hog wild!
- A minimum of 10 entries must be received for me to consider that month valid. However, if any particular month, I do not get enough entries, those that have entered will be rolled over to the next month until I have 10 entries.
OK...that's more than enough rules...here's the prize.
- Winning shot will be posted in my shop as the vendor picture of that pose until such time as I decide I need a change, but at least for 1 month.
- Winning photographer will have a pose designed for them and named either after them, or they can choose the name of the pose if they'd rather. Vendor pic will be shot by me with the winner and any friend of their choosing as models and photo edited (I don't normally edit my vendor pics) into a portrait for them. I will ask the winner for ideas of what they'd like the pose to look like or be inspired by and do my best to create their special moment.
- Also, the prize for first place (there's only 1st place) is $500L in cash.
OK...whew, I guess that's it. If you have any questions, drop a notecard into my mailbox at either my mainstore or my Carrie's Mall satellite location and I'll do my best to help you.
I am the only judge and my friends are not eligible to join. I'm looking for something that makes me laugh, or think, or gasp, or moan... yeah, whatever. It's NOT a popularity contest.
OK get your cameras snapping and show me what you got, I can't wait to see the results. Oh and have fun with it!
The very naughty, Ms. B.
P.S. Rules are subject to change at my discretion, from month to month. If you enter for one month, don't assume the rules will be the same for the next. I will however, honor these rules for the month of you recieved this notecard. Also, if you're rude, disrespectful, or anything else I don't like, I have the right to eject you from the contest. It's my shop, my contest, my money I'm putting up for the winner, my rules, I'm sorry if you don't like them. If you're looking just to cause trouble, take it someplace else, I don't have time for it.